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Setting up in-app notifications

This guide will give you the information you need to enable notifications in your web application.

For the purposes of this guide, a skeleton React App along with the ChatKitty SDK will be used to set up in-app notifications. An example of this can be viewed here.

Create a ChatKitty project before proceeding

Anything developers build on ChatKitty needs to be associated with a ChatKitty project. If this is your first time creating a ChatKitty project, checkout our step-by-step getting started guide, which will walk you through creating your ChatKitty project.

Installing dependencies

In order to set up web in-app notifications, first add the needed dependencies to your project. This includes ChatKitty, and for this example, Bootstrap will be used for certain React UI components. However, Bootstrap is not necessary.

You can add both with the following command:

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap @chatkitty/core

Set up toast notifications with Bootstrap

First, let's set up toast notifications in your app. In src/app.js, add the following:

import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import {useState} from 'react';
import {Button, Row, Col, Toast} from 'react-bootstrap';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

function App() {

const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
return (
<div className="App">
<Toast onClose={() => setShow(false)} show={show} delay={3000} autohide animation style={{
position: 'absolute',
top: 20,
right: 20,
className="rounded mr-2"
<strong className="mr-auto">Notification</strong>
<small>12 mins ago</small>
<Toast.Body>There are some new updates that you might love!</Toast.Body>
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<Button onClick={() => setShow(true)}>Show Toast</Button>

Here, you have imported Toast from Bootstrap into app.js to create a toast notification in your web app. In order to check whether the toast notification works, click the "Show Toast" button. When the button is clicked, a test in-app notification appears that automatically hides after 3 seconds.

Now that a toast notification has been created, let's import ChatKitty in our app.

ChatKitty setup

First, create a chatkitty.js file in the src folder. Then, add the following:

import ChatKitty from '@chatkitty/core';

const chatkitty = ChatKitty.getInstance(/*your ChatKitty project's API key*/);

export default chatkitty;

To retrieve your API key, you can go to your ChatKitty application's Dashboard and select the appropriate project. Then, under "Application Info", copy your API key and paste it here.

Here, the getInstance method takes your ChatKitty project's API key and returns the ChatKitty object that you can use to obtain data about your application.

Setting up in-app web notifications using ChatKitty

To set up in-app notifications for your web application with ChatKitty, we must first import it into app.js. Add this to your imports in app.js:

import chatkitty from "./chatkitty.js"

Now that we have access to ChatKitty in our app.js file, let us set up the handler for when a user receives a notification .

To do so, add the following to app.js:

function App() {

const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const [notification, setNotification] = useState({ title: '', body: '' });
const [isTokenFound, setTokenFound] = useState(false);

const initialize = async () => {
const result = await chatkitty.startSession({ username: /* user's credentials */ });

chatkitty.onNotificationReceived((notification) => {
setNotification({ title: notification.title, body: notification.body })


useEffect(() => {
}, [])

const onShowNotificationClicked = () => {
setNotification({ title: "Notification", body: "This is a test notification" })

return (
<div className="App">
<Toast onClose={() => setShow(false)} show={show} delay={3000} autohide animation style={{
position: 'absolute',
top: 20,
right: 20,
minWidth: 200
className="rounded mr-2"
<strong className="mr-auto">{notification.title}</strong>
<small> just now</small>
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
<Button onClick={() => onShowNotificationClicked()}>Show Toast</Button>


Here, you have enabled a user to receive in app notifications when they are active on ChatKitty using the ChatKitty object returned from the getInstance method in chatkitty.js.

Testing in-app web notifications

Now, you can test whether a user is receiving in-app notifications when using your web app. To do so, send a message to the user and you should see a toast notification in your app that looks like this:

In-app Notification screenshot: Incoming chat in web app