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Enhancing chat experience

Create an engaging chat experience with modern chat features users expect.

Thread replies

Send a thread reply using a client SDK

await chatkitty.sendMessage({
message: parentMessage,
body: 'this is a message'

List a thread replies under a message

const result = await chatkitty.listMessages({ parent });

Retrieve a thread reply parent

const result = await chatkitty.retrieveMessageParent({ message });

Emoji reactions

React to a message by passing the emoji's alias to the reactToMessage SDK function.

const result = await chatkitty.reactToMessage({ message, emoji })

Observe new reactions using the onMessageReactionAdded startChatSession callback function.

const result = chatkitty.startChatSession({
onMessageReactionAdded: (message) => {
// update UI

Remove reactions using the removeReaction SDK function.

const result = await chatkitty.removeReaction({ message, emoji })

Observe removed reactions using the onMessageReactionRemoved startChatSession callback function.

const result = chatkitty.startChatSession({
onMessageReactionRemoved: (message) => {
// update UI

Multimedia attachments

Send a file message to attach multimedia in a conversation.

await chatkitty.sendMessage({
progressListener: {
onStarted: () => {
// upload started
onProgress: (progress) => {
// uploading...
onCompleted: () => {
// done

In-app notifications

Use the onNotificationReceived SDK listener to observe in-app notifications.

 chatkitty.onNotificationReceived((notification) => {
// Update UI

Typing indicators

Send keystokes when a user is typing using the sendKeystrokes SDK function.

await chatkitty.sendKeystrokes({ channel, keys: draft.text });

Observe when a user starts typing using onTypingStarted SDK function.

const result = chatkitty.startChatSession({
onTypingStarted: (user) => {
// update UI

Observe when a user stops typing using onTypingStopped SDK function.

const result = chatkitty.startChatSession({
onTypingStopped: (user) => {
// update UI

Presence indicators

Check a user's presence status using the presence property on a user object

Observe when a user comes online or goes offline using the onUserPresenceChanged SDK function.

 chatkitty.onUserPresenceChanged((user) => {
const status = user.presence.status;

// Update UI

Users must share at least one mutual channel to be able to observe each other's presence.