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Setting up a ChatKitty project

Creating a ChatKitty project

You'll need a ChatKitty account before you can begin building chat with ChatKitty.

If you don't yet have an account, create one.

Once you've created a ChatKitty account, create a project:

Create an application for your project

Installing the ChatKitty JS Core SDK

To use the ChatKitty JavaScript Chat SDK, you'll need to add the ChatKitty JavaScript SDK NPM package to your JavaScript front-end project:

npm install @chatkitty/core

Next, you'll need to configure the ChatKitty SDK with your ChatKitty API key. You can find your API key on the ChatKitty dashboard, in the "Settings" page.

ChatKitty dashboard side menu settings

Copy the string value under "API Key", you'll need it to initialize a ChatKitty client instance:

ChatKitty settings API key

Initializing the ChatKitty SDK with your API key

With your API key from the ChatKitty dashboard, you can initialize a new instance of the ChatKitty client:

import ChatKitty from '@chatkitty/core';

export const chatkitty = ChatKitty.getInstance('YOUR CHATKITTY API KEY HERE');

With that, you can now use the ChatKitty SDK to begin building real-time chat features into your application.